Congratulations for Master and PhD students in Information Systems have sussessfully defensed their thesis



Congratulations for top 6 BEIS students with excellent results in academic year 2023-2024


Can Tho University (CTU) in collaboration with the ASEAN Higher Education Institutions Quality Assurance Network (AUN) organized the opening of the extra-curriculum assessment (CTDT) according to the first AUN-QA Standards. The 425th takes place from May 28 to 30, 2024 for 4 training programs including Bachelor of Information Systems (BEIS).

According to CTU's 2018 - 2023 survey, the average rate of students having jobs is 95.17%. The rate of students satisfied with the school's educational services is 95%; The rate of graduates satisfied with the training program is 87%; The percentage of alumni satisfied with the quality of education is 82.94%; The rate of businesses and employers satisfied with training quality is 93%. This is a testament to efforts to improve the quality of education and demonstrates CTU's commitment to meeting domestic and international standards in training high-quality human resources for the Mekong Delta region and the whole country.

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Congratulations for students of Bachelor of Engineering in Information Systems who have just sussessfully defensed their thesis.

Semester 2, 2023-2024.

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