Study Programs in Information Systems

Bachelor of Engineering in Information Systems

Bachelor of Information Systems trains the students:
  • Knowledge of analyzing and specifying user requirements, system analysis and design, building and implementing Information Systems.
  • Skills in using modern techniques/technologies for designing and managing databases, and for building and developing Information Systems.
  • Skills in presentation, presenting ideas; skills in report writing, project construction and defense; participate in consulting groups on the implementation and application of information systems at office/department; use foreign languages in specialized fields
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Bachelor of Engineering in Information Systems - High quality program

  • The high-quality training program in the information system industry trains highly qualified engineers to solve problems in smart information systems and management information systems. Students are equipped with important knowledge such as analyzing and designing information systems, exploiting and managing various types of databases, analyzing data, applying artificial intelligence and machine learning to build smart information systems. ,decision support systems.
  • The curriculum is designed based on (and on par with) the Curriculum of advanced countries; Students will be trained in a learning, practice and research environment with the best conditions. All students can participate in scientific research; Taught by a team of domestic and foreign lecturers with extensive experience and qualifications from PhD or higher; Have the opportunity to exchange and study abroad; Close coordination between the school and domestic and foreign businesses and partners; Over 60% of courses are taught/documented in English, students have an advantage in working at foreign companies. In particular, after completing this program, students will be able to convert (exempt) up to 30 credits when continuing to study at the Information System master's level.
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Master of Information Systems

  • Specialized and interdisciplinary knowledge to become an expert in the fields of: Intelligent systems, Knowledge management and Data analysis.
  • The ability to design models and processes for collection, analysis, and mining of knowledge from data.
  • Skills in identification problems; ability in proposing, evaluating and selecting appropriate solutions.
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PhD of Information Systems

  • In-depth knowledge of intelligent IS and big data analytics.
  • Create models/hypotheses as well as evaluate the correctness of models/hypotheses by theory/experiments.
  • Ability of scientific analysis and evaluation of the achieved result in the field of IS.
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