PhD in Information Systems

General information

Code: 9480104
Training period: 3-4 years, maximum 6 years
Total credits: 90 credits for candidates hold Master degree and 120 credits for candidates hold excellent Bachelor degree.
  • Course work: 11 credits
  • Research: 79 credits
Number of admission candidates per year: 1-5
  • Candidates graduated from ICT domains or Math/Physic Informatic groups
  • Foreign Language: BSc in English language or Level 4/6 (B2) Foreign language certificate or other equivalent certificates

Program Educational Objectives

PhD in Information Systems trains the students
  • In-depth knowledge of intelligent IS and big data analytics.
  • Ability to create models/hypotheses as well as evaluate the correctness of models/hypotheses by theory/experiments.
  • Ability of scientific analysis and evaluation of the achieved result in the field of IS.
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Main research topics

  • Semantic information systems
  • Indexing and retrieval information systems
  • Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
  • Recommendation systems
  • Data analytics (including large, multidimensional, and complex data).
  • Identify, classify and search images by contents including 3D images, text, audio, and video processing
  • Natural language processing

List of PhD students
