Faculty of Information Systems (FIS)

Training Engineer, Master, and PhD students in Information Systems

About FIS

The Faculty of Information Systems was established in 1997, named the Department of Information Systems. In September, 2022, the Department of Information Systems was changed to the Faculty of Information Systems (FIS).

The FIS has a highly qualified staff (including 01 Associate Professor, 08 PhDs, and 06 Masters) who were mostly trained from advanced education countries (such as Germany, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, Japan,..), the FIS has been in charge of training one undergraduate major, one master's degree and one doctoral degree in the field of Information Systems. Faculty's lecturers have also supported teaching, appraising and evaluating training programs, guiding master and PhD students for other universities in CanTho city and other provinces of the South region of Vietnam.

Regarding scientific research, lecturers of the faculty have experience in chairing, participating, consulting, implementing, or reviewing, for many topics in Information Systems. Many scientific articles/papers/reports have been published in prestigious journals and conferences in ISI/Scopus. For instance, the FIS has 1 lecturer who is doing postdoctoral research in New Zealand. Most lecturers regularly participate in seminars, short-term training in both domestic and international courses to update knowledge as well as learn new technologies for training and research.



Mission of the Faculty of Information Systems is to train engineers, masters and PhDs in the area of Information Systems, participate in scientific research and technology transfer, build and deploy solutions in main areas such as Information Systems management, intelligent information systems (Recommender Systems, DSS, GIS, BI,..), and e-commerce.


By 2030, the Faculty of Information Systems will become a strong unit in training, scientific research and technology transfer in the country as well as Southeast Asia. The teaching staff has doctoral degrees of over 85%.

Associate Professors
PhDs and PhD-Candidates
Masters and Tutors
Students (Dr, Master, Bachelor)


Facilities serving the training programs managed by the FIS and CICT have modern equipment, healthy learning and living spaces.

Leaders of FIS through periods

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thai-Nghe Nguyen
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thai-Nghe NguyenDean of Faculty of Information Systems
(2022 - now)
Dr. Quoc-Dinh Truong
Dr. Quoc-Dinh TruongHead of Department of Information Systems
(2012 - 2022)
MSc. Duc-Thang Le
MSc. Duc-Thang LeHead of Department of Information Systems
(2007 - 2012)